'Time slip' is a term usually applied when a period of time, maybe minutes or even years, appears to have been lost inexplicably, by one or more people, and is most commonly associated with a paranormal or extraterrestrial occurrence. Many people have reported such an experience during a journey, when the last reliable reference remembered of time is that of a clock striking or a news report on the radio, only to find that the next time the individual becomes fully aware of time, more time than expected has elapsed in contradiction to what would have been expected. The individual is then unable to account for the lost time. Although many scientists would argue that time cannot be lost but merely confused, for the people that experience this phenomena, it can be far from easily explained as a lapse of concentration or a period of drowsiness, or even sleep.
Many abductees have found that themselves on a journey when Time Slip has occurred. The next thing remembered is being aware of being on their journey, either miles off course or back were they started, with no knowledge as to what they have been doing for the preceding hours. It is usually only through the technique of 'Regression' in 'Hypnosis Therapy' that an explanation may be found for what happened during the lost time. Regarding hypnosis, the majority of the scientific community jury is still out as to whether or not this type of therapy is accessing the individual's own memory, perhaps being susceptible to experimental bias, being led by the person(s) asking the questions. It can be argued though that people have recalled fantastic pieces of information under hypnosis that has later been confirmed. The experiences revealed vary from the puzzling to the terrifying. As yet, science cannot explain how the brain of an individual fully works when a subject is explored through vocal questioning. Not everyone believes that the hypnotised individual is really unaware of what is going on around them, implying that it is believed the individual is merely experiencing the inhibitions being subdued or heightened by the 'Power of Suggestion'.
It is not only alien abductions that are associated with the experience of Time Slip. There have been reports and evidence collected also on individuals who, when out walking around a range of locations, both natural and man-made, meet people, only to return on a later date to find that the person, and in some instances the place, witnessed had existed many years earlier, with no current trace. How individual's can see such people/places in today's time is the question that requires answering. Many of the individual's who experience such events have, as far as they are concerned, experienced an event that falls into what is often referred to as a 'mystical experience'.
One explanation that is today being offered in both instances is the connection of Time Slip with magnetism. Science now accepts that magnetic energy does have an effect upon electrical equipment. We know the brain operates using small electrical charges or impulses caused by stimulation of the senses and these are vital to the operation of nervous system. If this is so, then it is plausible to argue an electrical field could cause malfunctions or blips in human thought patterns, or alternatively, a 'different perspective' on the passing of time. Just as a cassette tape can be partially erased if placed by a large magnet (television set, loud speaker, computer screen), then the human brain could be affected by large magnetic impulses or energy fields, which are reported around the geographical vicinity of some UFO sightings. Scientific evidence exists of the recorded magnetic changes around 'Stone Circles' (for more information on stone circles see Mystical-WWW Stone Circles) leading towards the theory of the existence of 'Leylines' or 'Earth Energy Lines'. To date, science has not been able to determine whether these changes in fields of magnetic energy have any direct effect upon the human brain, and to publicly commit expenditure to such research invites the suggestion that research is surely only required if there is something to compare or a problem/concern requires a solution.